政法类 公办 普通本科
Jilin Police College
Politics and law public general undergraduate
Jilin police academy is the only public security of jilin province, the undergraduate course colleges and universities, the predecessor was founded in 1949, jilin province public security cadre school, founded in 1985 approved by the former state education commission of jilin public security college, is the one of the first set of 13 public security college, January 21, 2010, the Ministry of Education of the public in jilin public security college renamed jilin police academy, names in use today. [1] According to the official website of the university in July 2015, the college is located in the northern spring city of Changchun, by the Jingyue Lake in Changchun, the largest artificial forest in Asia. It has two campuses: Jingyue Campus and South Campus. School covers an area of 630.4 mu, building area of 168500 square meters, there are five basic laboratory of the college, 31 professional laboratory, 2 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center, there are 14 experimental training base, built 104 practice teaching bases in the national and provincial, collection 980000 volumes of books, over 800 kinds of chinese-foreign journal database resources 18 [2], a common this, include the number of 5215 people. [1]
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